Friday, April 22, 2011

Food Is Good

You ever heard of the Zone Diet? Yeah, me too. I ignored it completely up until this point in my life because I believed that food was inherently good for you. Turns out, I was only partially right. Food is good for you, but only so much of it and in certain amounts.

That lesson sucks. I really like food. I mean I REALLY like food. I have a love hate relationship with it. I love it and it hates on me immediately afterward. I'm thinking of redefining the terms of this relationship. Kind of like what I'm doing with women. From now on, this relationship works on my terms. Food is going to have to prove itself to me. I'm not settling for just anything anymore.

It seems constant vigilance will be my new motto in life. It's kind of interesting how everything starts falling into focus once you have a direction. You start to re-evaluate all the small stuff that never bothered you before. 25 lbs. It's completely doable. At least the snacks taste kind of like chocolate!

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